Producer Partners
Everything starts with our coffee producers, the farmers who cultivate the finest certified organic and fair trade coffee we roast for you. Bean North Coffee Roasting Co. Ltd. is an owner-member of Cooperative Coffees, a green coffee importing cooperative and together we purchase coffee directly from coffee farmers. We visit these communities, meet the producers and their families and have long term relationships with them.
We currently purchase certified organic fair trade coffee from the following fair trade coffee cooperatives:
Bolivia - Cooperativa Agricola Cafetalera San Juan
Colombia - Fondo Paez Asociación Kwe'sx Uma Kiwe Peykajn Mjinxisa
DR Congo - Solidarite pour la promotion des Actions Cafe et le Developpement Integral (SOPACDI) | La Coopérative de café Muungano
Ecuador - Federación Regional de Asociaciones de Pequeños Cafetaleros Ecológicos del Sur (FAPECAFES)
Ethiopia - Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (SCFCU) | Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU)
Guatemala - Asociación de Pequeños Caficultores Orgánicos Maya-Mames (APECAFORM) | Asociación Chajulense Va’l Vaq Qujol (Chajul) | Cooperativa Agrícola y de Servicios Varios Río Azul | Asociación de Desarrollo Nimajuyú San Pedrano
Honduras - Café Orgánico Marcala (COMSA)
Laos - Plateau Bolaven Coffee Producers Groups Association
Mexico - Cooperative Producers’ Union Maya Vinic | Yachil Xojobal Chu’lchan || Enjambre Cafetalero
Nicaragua - Las Diosas | Unión the Cooperativas Agropecuarias SOPPEXCCA | La Central de Cooperativas Cafetaleras del Norte (CECOCAFEN)
Peru - Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera Pangoa | Coop Norandino / Coop Candorcanqui | Sol y Café | Central Fronteriza del Norte de Cafetaleros (CENFROCAFE)
Rwanda - Koperative Dutezimbere Kawa Kigeyo (KODUKAK)
Sumatra - Permata Gayo Cooperative